About Todd

With over three decades of experience in ministry, speaking, writing, and leadership, Todd brings a world-class set of skills and point of view to the Church. In 1999, together with his family and a small group of friends, Todd established a church in North Texas that unleashed a movement of over 20 years that impacted and still impacts hundreds of thousands around the world. His proudest accomplishment is at home, where he and his wife, Alex, raised six kids who love and walk with Jesus and consider each other best friends. Five are now married and are passionately on mission with their spouses, one is on mission in college, and Todd dedicates his time to Unhindered, the 1613 Project, The Remnant News, serving his city, and the ever-growing number of grandchildren his “arrows” are producing (Psalm 127:3-5).

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What is Gen-Z DOING?!
Osama Bin Laden Letter to America REACTION
Uncompromised Faith in Compromising Times
Holding firm to biblical truth amid pressures to conform to unbiblical ideologies
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